
Thursday, May 27, 2021

parts two of dioramas

 this is my diorama and my diorama is about Waihirere and  my favourite part was when we went to the waterfall the waterfall is small but there was a little hedge to go and see the waterfall  and there was like a little lake under it but I only went nee deep because I was wearing long pants and that blue thing is a waterfall and there is a little piece of paper on the on the front of my diorama and it's about thing that I liked about Waihirere and I like  Kawakawa .


Thursday, May 13, 2021

going to waihirere with my school

on Monday my school  went to Waihirere with Sam the trap man and we went on a waterfall walk and  he showed us what we could eat in the bush walk and what was not good to eat on the   bush walk  first we saw Kawakawa it was very very sour and it tastes like lemon but then I started to taste a bit  spicy and then we found these Kuru shape and it tasted like asparagus so we could check with garlic and butter and it tasted delicious we make Kawakawa tea.