
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Water testing at tucker road

What- water testing when- a copole of weeks where- tucker road who-Miss hannah how-scinec kit

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


It was a horrifying night. Me and Ella B were going trick or treating in an abandoned church. First we picked up Raphelle. We knocked on the door, “Boo!” There was a witch standing at the door, lucky it was Raphelle’s mum. Then me and Ella B and Raphelle went on our way. And the abandoned church light were on I Knocked on the Door. I was Scared Because it was a Abandoned church Then Ella B knocked on the door for me Because me and Raphelle horified When Ellab knocked on the door Then a scary cat pop Out of the door we All Ran away then my mum popped out From the back of the house.